Saturday, July 17, 2010

No recalls :(

Hey it's Mackenzie,
I am sorry to say that although Nicole and I danced our best we did not recall. Thanks so much for everyone's support you guys are great!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Competition Day-Nicoles post

Hey its Nicole and its about 5:21 am here so thats about 2:21 am in Vancouver!

I just woke up so i decided to give one last post before i go down to the competition. At 6:45 Courtney will be doing my wig and then at 7:00 Rebecca will be doing my makeup and i dance at 8:00. For my first round i am near the beginning but for the other two rounds i am near the end. So it is going to be a long day!! I cant wait!! I'll try to add another post soon!

-nicole :)
This picture is of me and my sister sleeping today at maybe 5:00 ish.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Nicoles post

Hey its Nicole here,
Right now it is 8:17 pm. My sister and i are getting ready for our competition tomorrow!! We are packing up our stuff and run through our dances (maybe) and then hopefully go to sleep. Mackenzie and I will try to keep you all posted throughout the day tomorrow! :) Good night for now and hopefully we will be posting more soon!!!

This picture is of me trying on hardshoes. That day (monday) i bought a pair of hardshoes, softshoes and trainers. Did you know that they make white softshoes for weddings? Weird!


Day 1:
-Camryn recalled and placed 25th
-Macaela recalled and placed 13th and is a world qualifier
-Michael recalled and placed 17th and is a world qualifier
Day 2:
-Courtney recalled and placed 23rd

Congratulations to all the dancers who recalled and good luck to the dancers dancing on Day 4 and 5!!

Day 4: Dancers:
Nicole, Lauren, Mackenzie, Shannon, Catalina, Caitlin and Jadyn.

Day 5: Dancers:
This picture is of the dancers that are dancing on Day 4!

1 more day!!!

Hey its Mackenzie and Nicole!!!!
We just had a practise this morning to run through our dances and to make sure we are ready for our competition tomorrow!! I (Mackenzie) had a spray tan about two hours ago and it acually doesn't look too bad. :P Nicole and I are working on our blog and we probabily will be watching the last song. We are planning on a very low key day.

Nicole dances at 8 tomorrow. Mackenzie dances at 10 tomorrow. We will hopefuly keep things posted as the day goes along.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Orlando, Florida- Nicole's post

Hey it's Nicole! Our flight got in yesterday at 6:00! It's sooo hot here! Very humid and some rain with a side of thunder and lightning! Some people got kicked out of a water park because of the lightning! Today we are going to watch some of the dancing and perhaps go to magic kingdom? Any good places you guys think we should go? Thanks! Talk to you guys soon!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

4 days left

Hey Nicole here. Just getting ready to start packing for Orlando! I leave in four days and im not even close to being ready! It seems like just yesterday we were being recalled at the Oireachtas! Where has the time gone?! I am SOO excited to go to Orlando! The pressure will be on until im done dancing. Which will be on Tuesday July 6. My competition starts at 8! So i have to wake up really early. Just going to start packing. Hopefully i'll add another post soon!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Mackenzie Post-Day before

Hey everyone!!
I am just finishing up packing and all last minute things. I am leaving tomorrow for Seattle, staying for a day, then flying out to Orlando! I'm super excited and nervous for the competition but it will all be over soon and then it's Harry potter theme park!! :)

I'll hopefully post again soon in Orlando!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Going to the Oireachtas

These are some pictures of us having a great time at the Oireachtas in Edmonton . In the first picture we have everyone from our dance school that Qualified. In the second picture we have the "Green Girls" (from left to right) Jane, Mackenzie, Jessie. In the third picture we have all our friends in our age category ( from left to right, top to bottom) Nicole, Mackenzie, Catalina, Emma, Anna Laurel. And in the last picture we have Mackenzie (right) and I (left) relaxing at the Airport.

Friday, March 26, 2010

All our hard work paid off!

On November 6th 2009 in Edmonton, Alberta the 2009 Western Canadian Oireachtas was held. Bringing many dancers from western Canada together to compete. All the dancers in their age categories tried there hardest to qualify for nationals. (open to all ages) Or worlds if you are age 10 and over. Mackenzie and I (Who we're in the same category) Qualified for Nationals. Mackenzie also qualified for Worlds which were held in Scotland. However she decided not to go. Where the Oireachtas is held changes every year. Girls and boys under 13 dance on one day then 14 and above dance on the next. The oireactas is a whole lot of fun!