Tuesday, June 29, 2010

4 days left

Hey Nicole here. Just getting ready to start packing for Orlando! I leave in four days and im not even close to being ready! It seems like just yesterday we were being recalled at the Oireachtas! Where has the time gone?! I am SOO excited to go to Orlando! The pressure will be on until im done dancing. Which will be on Tuesday July 6. My competition starts at 8! So i have to wake up really early. Just going to start packing. Hopefully i'll add another post soon!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Mackenzie Post-Day before

Hey everyone!!
I am just finishing up packing and all last minute things. I am leaving tomorrow for Seattle, staying for a day, then flying out to Orlando! I'm super excited and nervous for the competition but it will all be over soon and then it's Harry potter theme park!! :)

I'll hopefully post again soon in Orlando!!